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ludverc2015r121 gyereknap2017082 majusfa2012107 ludverc2014106 ludverc2014033 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA cimeravatas17 Budapesti kiránduláson a Mezőgazdasági Vásáron Bogár József majusfa2012004 dscf3831 dsc-166 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2010-12-18_00026 imag1424 dscf4584 115 ludverc2012023 Hőszigetelve Ludvércjárás Valkonyán 2011 dsc_0501


Támogassa adója 1% -val Valkonya jövőjét

Valkonyai Civil Alkotó
Közösség EgyesületAdószám:


Masses in Valkonya

Kapolna_2There will be a mass on the 29th of june at 6.00 pm, to celebrate the day of Peter and Paul.

There will be a mass (parish feast) hold by reverend father István Decs 5th of july, at 11.30 am.

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The mobile store in Valkonya

Dear Valkonyians,

boltThe mobile store will be in Valkonya every week from Monday to Saturday every day from 6.35 to 6.50 am.

It will stop at the beginning and at the end of the village, at around Fő u. 38. and Fő u. 14. The car will not honk, make any noises because it is early in the morning, thus please, whoever wants to shop at the mobile store, should wait for it at the above mentioned time and place.

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„Maytree dance-out”


I would like to invite you on 30th of May 2015. for our traditional „Maytree dance-out”.

imagesFrom 10 am on we are awaiting all Valkonyans to the tourist house, making pound-cak dough, baking the cake, cooking together, and afterwards to eat and cutting down the maytree. Now you will have the perfect opportunity to learn the secrets of the heating of the communal oven, the recipe of the Valkonyian pound cake and other practical things from Aunt Magdi (Magdi néni).

If you have a pound cake shape, please bring it with you. We need all the helping hands, do not hesitate to come. If you can come only later, do not worry, we will welcome you.



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Our may-tree and Valkonya from above. Made by Simon.

Video: Simon Blackwell

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Erecting a may-tree – Photos

Click here for more photos >>>


Strongmans 🙂

Photos: Nemeskürti Dzsina & Szigligeti Ági

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Erecting a May-tree – video

Video: Szigligeti Ágnes

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Erecting a May-tree on the grounds of the Tourist House starting az 5 pm. on the 30th of March.

Dear Valkonyians

 We would like to invite everybody to our traditional may-tree posting.

Erecting a May-tree -  2012

Erecting a May-tree – 2012

The males of the village, who are willing to help, will leave from the tourist house at 5 pm to select the tree, to cut it and to do every kind of really manly tasks.

All the other activities connected to this festivity will begin on the grounds of the tourist house at 3 pm. We invite all the Valkonyians, wanting to help for a little bit of work, and together passing the time in a fun, good way. Everybody who can help, please let Jutka from the mayor office, know it. Thank you.

Hope to meet all the citizens in Valkonya on this wonderful Thursday afternoon and evening.

Kind regards from the council members of Valkonya.

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„The present, future and our common interest in Valkonya” forum

Dear Valkonyians!

We would like to hold a casual forum, discussion for the people of Valkonya, about the questions concerning our village, several times a year.
I would like to invite you to this meeting in the hopes that it will be a permanent part, forum of Valkonya.
It will be held on the 24th of April (Friday) 2015 at 18.00 in  the „Culturehouse” of Valkonya.

The foreseeable subjects for discussion:

– programs of Valkonya

– information about the foundation of VACAK (cca. Valkonya’s Civil, Creator’s Association)

– information about the „Valkonya Treasure” founding process

– what is concerning us, the Valkonyians – free discussion for all

– anything else . questions, answers, whatever we can think of, concerning Valkonya

– evaluating the forum, deciding how often we should have it.


Everybody is more than welcome.
(we try to provide also a translator).


Gábor Hatala


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