Pályázati aloldal MFP-KOEB/2021

Pályázati aloldal Zenei tábor 2021

Pályázati aloldal MFP-FFT/2020

Pályázati aloldal MFP-FFT/2019

Pályázati aloldal TOP-3.2.1-16-ZA1-2018-00020


Magyarföldi fatemplom 38 306 alkototabor2012081 ludverc2015l032 ludverc_00001 Fő u. 40. 2000-ben. Németh Pál vette meg, lebontotta és a telekre új családi házat épített OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA iHársfalvi Peti a hajdanvolt valkonyai tónál dscf4633 vegyes-021 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 641 grac2015012 ludverc2015r014 A kápolna ludverc2015l196 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA szilveszter20130018 valkonya_ludverc0132


Támogassa adója 1% -val Valkonya jövőjét

Valkonyai Civil Alkotó
Közösség EgyesületAdószám:


Erecting a May-tree on the grounds of the Tourist House starting az 5 pm. on the 30th of March.

Dear Valkonyians

 We would like to invite everybody to our traditional may-tree posting.

Erecting a May-tree -  2012

Erecting a May-tree – 2012

The males of the village, who are willing to help, will leave from the tourist house at 5 pm to select the tree, to cut it and to do every kind of really manly tasks.

All the other activities connected to this festivity will begin on the grounds of the tourist house at 3 pm. We invite all the Valkonyians, wanting to help for a little bit of work, and together passing the time in a fun, good way. Everybody who can help, please let Jutka from the mayor office, know it. Thank you.

Hope to meet all the citizens in Valkonya on this wonderful Thursday afternoon and evening.

Kind regards from the council members of Valkonya.

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